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Cultivate High Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
With These Five Wake Up Eager Habits

Cultivating high levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation brings powerful benefits, with it:

  • Work feels like play.
  • You have more energy.
  • You produce quality work.
  • Everyone around you is inspired to be like you---they begin to want to do more and be more, too.

This Site is devoted to cultivating Five Habits that, if continually strengthened, will grow into more and more of this kind of motivation, and create more Wake Up Eager Days!

"“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.” Zig Ziglar

Five Wake Up Eager Habits:

**Notice the Acronym: E.A.G.E.R. You'll find acronyms all throughout 'my Work'.
They help with recall, retention AND they're fun!

Enter the Zone: This is a focus on working at a high level of energy and vibration. It is your ability to: 1) reduce internal resistance and 2) focus your efforts, outlook and mindset so that you not only excel in your career and daily life, but you also positively influence and empower others. More about this Habit - HERE.

Activate Your Greatness: This is your ability to actively and consciously use your natural talents and strengths to energize yourself, and add value to your organization and to the lives of your clients and employees. More about this Habit - HERE.

Grow Trust: This is a focus on developing high degrees of trust in all of your relationships. More about this Habit - HERE.

Evaluate Job Fit: This is a repeatable/learnable skill & process around matching jobs to the right people, ensuring you have the right people in the right 'seats.' (Including yourself!) More about this Habit - HERE.

Re-Calibrate Daily: This is a daily focus on aligning and strengthening the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of your life. More about this Habit - HERE.

Let's Get Clear @
What Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Really Is...

Motivation is what arouses, sustains and regulates human behavior. It's important that you as Leader or a Sales Pro know about these two types of motivation - you want to motivate and inspire yourself and others to action, don't you?

  • Intrinsic motivation is what we will do without external inducement. This occurs when an action is a match to our natural interests, preferences and values.
  • Extrinsic motivation is getting things done because we want/expect an external, or outside, reward. This occurs when an action we take will help us get something we want and need, like money or recognition.

Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are important because they both influence another's willingness to take action. It's good to note: the same activity can be intrinsically or extrinsically motivating for different people, at different times.

Your Work Is To: specifically know what motivates and 'moves' and energerizes you and makes you want to take action. And, in turn, what motivates and 'moves' others to take positive action.

Suzie Note: "Cultivating high levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is an eternally unfolding and expanding process for ALL of us. It's NOT something you do once, 'and ta-da' you're's always a work in progress."

YOU - The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Expert!

Strengthening in each of these Wake Up Eager Habits will culitvate and expand your motivation expertise, helping you upgrade your own energy and success, AND make you and even better mentor for promoting energy and success in others.

Which Habit should you focus on first? Not sure?

The free Wake Up Eager Habits Quiz score will direct you to resources around the area that will help you cultivate and grow more intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Take the Quiz, NOW.

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