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Overall Sales, Leadership, Wake Up Eager Discussion Forum
Sharing @ Fitness---Your Best Cardio Workout & Exercise Routine Tips OR Your Biggest Stumbling Block...
If you're a consistent exerciser - I KNOW that YOU have tips, ideas you can share that will help others. If staying consistent with your fitness routine is a challenge, SHARE. We'll listen to you & offer encouragement.Share Your Tips & Challenges HERE, You Might Win!
The Six Best Interview Questions EVERY Hiring Manager Should Ask EVERY Candidate
Have you ever hired for background and fired for attitude? What are your favorite interview questions to "get to" attitude?
Share your insights, questions and wisdom here.
What is My Life Purpose? Get Off the Merry-Go-Round & Start Living - Three Simple Steps
Do you wonder how to find your life purpose? Orhave you found tools and resources that have helped you?
Share your comments, questions, wisdom and insights here...
What Every Leader Who Wants Success Ought to Be Doing: Taking Personal Responsibility
Do you agree or disagree that taking responsibility is one of the top and most important leadership characteristics? How has this skill impacted your career and work life?
Have you found great tools or experiences that have helped you improve in this area?
Share Your Experiences, Wisdom and Comments Here
The Forgotten Charismatic Leadership Skill: Listening Aggressively
What you YOU think? Is listening important? Who's the best listener you know? What impact did that person have on you? Are leaders generally good at this skill or bad at it? Why?
What other skills do you think are important to charismatic leadership? What do YOU do to make sure you listen? What tips can you share?
Share Your Comments and Wisdom Here
BEST Leadership Books: Book Reviews and Recommendations...
Have you read the books I recommend here? What do you think? Do you have a great book you recommend other leaders read? What is it? And why do you recommend it?
Write your review/recommendation here.
Stand Out in a Crowd, Become An Expert: How to Build Self Confidence By Building Expertise
What three actions can a person take to feel confident in their professional skills and feel like an expert in their field?
What has most helped you feel like an expert? Read what ithers shared...
Share Your Tips, Questions and Insights Here
The BEST Business and Career Education Advice...
Think back - what advice has stayed with you over the years? What did someone say or do that helped you? Read the advice other readers shared.
Share Your BEST Advice Here
Definition of Balance & How to Balance Life and Home Balance Tips
Are you struggling to find balance between work and home? Share your challenges.
Or have you found a sure fire way to create more balance in your life?
Share Your Insights, Frustrations, Tips and Resources Here...
Ten (+1) Mindset and Action Steps for Regular Home Cardio Workouts
Are you trying to get on a regular fitness routine, even though your schedule is crazy? Review my best tips for staying consistent, see what others do, ask your questions, and share what's working (and not working) for you.
Get Great Tips and Share Your Own Here
Your Healthy Family Relationships Advice, Comments and Questions
Read this four part article about how important family relationships are for Wake Up Eager Leaders. here.
Then, share what you've tried when your family's felt scattered and distant. What's worked? What has not worked?
Click to Begin Sharing (read others' tips, too).
Do you need more cooperation from your team?
Do you wish there was a leadership development plan and program that provided practical actions steps you can use right away?
Find your answers here via this 6 week, online, eCourse now:
Managing My Team-
Building My Leadership Skills
Work at your own pace. Immediate access.
Click here to check it out.
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