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How Great Leaders & Sales Pros Tap Into Intrinsic Motivation

eye in the sky

Do you know what intrinsic motivation means and do you know how to use it to your advantage?   

It means: Inward; internal; hence, true; genuine; real; essential; inherent; movement and action. 

It refers to: motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards.  The motivation comes from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on a task.

For example: If you are strong in this area you to maximize your own top drivers and, as an example, organize your time so that you spend time doing things that naturally interest you and then work becomes enjoyable and provides a sense of pleasure and energy.

The information shared in this article is focused on building the  Activate Your Greatness Habit one of  the five Wake Up Eager Habits for Leaders and Sales Pros.

Are You Tapping Into the Power of Intrinsic Motivation? Are You Strong Here?  Do You Have It?
Rate Yourself With These Five Statements...

Being able to say the statements below are true for you indicates that you have some strength in this important area.  The better you understand this area for yourself the stronger your energy and motivation will be every day. 

If any of these statements are NOT true for you, you can improve here and very quickly tap into to and begin using more of what your own strengths and motivations are.  Click on each link for  helpful assessments, tools and resources to get MORE of this powerful knowledge: 

  1. I can easily list my top ten strengths and values, as well as my weaknesses and blind spots.
  2. My job rewards my most important values and allows me to fulfill my goals in terms of personal growth, achievement, income and stability.
  3. A day on the job leaves me feeling energized, not burned out.
  4. I quickly correct misunderstandings and mis-communications when they occur.
  5. When others provide feedback about my performance I am not defensive.

To Increase Intrinsic Motivation Is To:
Know, understand and put-to-use your strengths and
communication skills to build & strengthen your career success.

It includes your ability to address and positively manage specific areas of development.  It's about building self awareness and personal skills.

How These Statements Impact Performance
The Column One/Column Two Exercise...

Try the intrinsic motivation exercise on Page 2 of this article. It will show you specifically what high intrinsic motivation looks like, with examples from YOUR past. We'll also talk about the old-school and new-school mindset.

Click Here To Go To Page 2.

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