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If you've recently taken the Workplace Motivators assessment, read these Guidelines, watch this quick and thorough overview video , and then scroll down for actionable resources.
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The Workplace Motivators Assessment is a robust tool for measuring a person's top drivers and interests. (Sample Report ) Researchers have identified six culture-neutral, gender-neutral core motivators that are not immediately visible – that drive behavior. Results can be used to determine job fit, help teams reduce conflict, and help individuals reduce stress and gain more energy. It builds self and other awareness and can help create more work and life satisfaction. For more info - listen to Suzie's talk: Motivating Yourself and Your Workforce.
Identifying the top two interests AND what a person is least interested in (number six) helps you measure what puts 'GAS IN THE TANK' - something that is not easily visible but crucial to superior performance. You will be able to learn more about each Motivator below. Select the motivators below that were ranked as one, two, and six.
Being Theoretically motivated means you have a passion for knowledge and expertise. You
may tend to want:
"The more that you read, the
more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go."
Dr Seuss
Being Utilitarian motivated you have a passion for means you have a passion for making money and seeing ROI. You tend to want:
"Anything that wont sell, I don't want to invent. Its sales is proof of utility and utility is success."
Thomas A. Edison
Being Individualistically motivated means you have a passion for balance, harmony, and form. You may tend to want:
"I always believe I can
best the best, achieve
the best. I always see
myself in the top position."
Serena Williams
Being Aesthetically motivated means you have a passion for balance, harmony, and form. You may tend to want:
"Art is about the dynamics
of the human experience."
Danny Glover
Social/ Altruistic
Being Altruistically motivated means you have a passion for balance, harmony, and form. You may tend to want:
"Service to others is the
rent we pay for our
room in heaven."
Muhammad Ali
Traditional/ Regulatory
Being Traditionally motivated means you have a passion for keeping and enforcing the rules. You may tend to want:
"One cannot and must
not try to erase the past merely because it
does not fit the present."
Golda Meir
Yes, motivators can tell you all this and more about yourself and everyone around you! If you'd like to take the assessment or learn more about how to use it, contact us. Or, purchase these coaching reports, below.
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