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Motivate Yourself & Your Workforce - Understanding the Individualistic Interest 

The Workplace Motivators Assessment accurately measures how a person scores in six motivation dimensions, which helps us understand why people do what they do.  This area does not measure ability; it reveals interest and motivation toward certain activities.

People who score individualistic/Political as a top interest (number one or two) will be energized when they can lead, be out front, and advance.  (Scroll down for more information.)

 People who rank this as their lowest interest does not indicate a lack of drive or interest in advancing, they value it in different ways. Review this information if this is a person's lowest interest (number 5 or 6).

Understanding these drivers will help you interact more positively with your team. Strengthen your team’s understanding of Power and look at both ends of the spectrum to improve engagement in your team.

Individualistic MASTER Corrected Overview 2023

Download this Image and the Workplace Motivators Assessment Memory Jogger. 

More About The Individualistic Motivator

individ stress overdo

Top Stressor and Dissatisfier: Sometimes, we can feel dissatisfied with what we are working on without understanding precisely what is stressing us out. There are stressors and dis-satisfiers for each different type of motivator. Understanding Workplace Motivators can be a game-changer! It helps people understand their stressors so they can work to avoid them. 

Potential Blind Spot: Of the six different Workplace Motivators, each has something they can “overdo” without realizing it. (Like a blind spot when driving, others see it, but we don't.) Understanding what we tend to overdo can help in our personal and work lives, serving as a ‘watch out’ for over-utilizing strengths.

What Someone with this Top Motivator Will Feel Most Rewarded By

We all thrive in environments that reward our top motivations. Our Motivators are part of our greatest strengths and are the key to high-performance. 

Part of job fit is about ensuring that what the job rewards is also what rewards our natural drivers! The Individualistic Workplace Motivator can also be called the Power motivator as this person has a natural drive to advance, lead and connect with others. 

JobRewards Individualistic

For More Insight, Additional Resources...

If Individualistic is Ranked #5 or #6, Least Interested:

If this motivator is ranked #5 or #6 it least interested, their approach might be, "I tend to not want to work alone or be in the spotlight."

  • These people are driven by being in a supporting role and contributing with little need for individual recognition. 
  • They focus on their contribution versus advancing their position and enjoy working behind the scenes and getting things done.
  • If you’re looking for a team player, look no further! 
  • They thrive when working closely with others and love contributing to a mutual goal, tending to set aside their own agenda for the good of the company or community they serve.
  • They need to look out for their own ability to ‘go with the flow’. This is helpful sometimes but can also be detrimental if the current direction of a project or initiative needs to change. 
  • They can lack the initiative to share ideas that contradict the current direction or path and, in extreme situations, can follow a leader or cause even to their own detriment.
  • One of the things that will undoubtedly lead to stress  is setting an expectation for public recognition. 
  • They are not motivated by receiving praise in front of others; they prefer to thrive behind the scenes. 
  • If their leaders are not careful, this preference can mean that they get overlooked for their achievements.
  • Avoid this by demonstrating your support for them personally. 
  • Praise them in private, create channels for collaborative forms of feedback like a dedicated channel on your chat service for recognition, and make sure their accomplishments are recognized in ways that make them feel accomplished. If you’re not sure what those are, just ask!
  • They also do their best work in group environments. 
  • Make sure to provide opportunities for discussions and brainstorming; this will help these team members open up and put themselves out there in a way that feels comfortable and productive to them.

Anne Frank

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