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Motivate Yourself & Your Workforce - Understanding the Altruistic (Social) Interest 

The Workplace Motivators Assessment accurately measures how a person scores in six motivation dimensions, which helps us understand why people do what they do.  This area does not measure ability; it reveals interest and motivation toward certain activities.

People who score Social Altruistic as a top interest (number one or two) will be energized when they can coach, serve and champion others.  (Scroll down for more information.)  

It’s important to remember that both ends of the continuum value helping others; it just shows up differently depending on how a person ranked their interest. Review this information if this is a person's lowest interest (number 5 or 6).

Whether an employee has a high or low interest in this motivator, they offer crucial insight into your workplace. Their different perspectives and talents will make your team all the stronger when it comes to being of service and helping others. 

Altruistic Overview 2023

Download this Image and the Workplace Motivators Assessment Memory Jogger. 

More About The Social/Altruistic Motivator

alt soc stress overdo

Top Stressor and Dissatisfier: Sometimes, we can feel dissatisfied with what we are working on without understanding precisely what is stressing us out. There are stressors and dis-satisfiers for each different type of motivator. Understanding Workplace Motivators can be a game-changer! It helps people understand their stressors, so they can work to avoid them.  

Potential Blind Spot: Of the six different Workplace Motivators, each has something they can “overdo” without realizing it. (Like a blind spot when driving, others see it, but we don't.) Understanding what we tend to overdo can help in our personal and work lives, serving as a ‘watch out’ for over-utilizing strengths.

What Someone with this Top Motivator Will Feel Most Rewarded By

We all thrive in environments that reward our top motivations. Our Motivators are part of our greatest strengths and are the key to high-performance. 

Part of job fit is about ensuring that what the job rewards is also what rewards our natural drivers! The Social Workplace Motivator can also be called the Altruistic Service motivator as this person has a natural drive to remove pain and suffering in the world.

job rewards social altruistic

For More Insight, Additional Resources...

If Social Altruistic is Ranked #5 or #6, Least Interested:

If this motivator is ranked #5 or #6 it least interested, their approach might be, "I tend to help others who are already working hard and for a specific purpose."

  • People with this area as a lower interest align with traditional workplace goals and results-driven metrics. 
  • They need to have set KPIs that  are measured individually. 
  • They want to be measured and recognized on the metrics of their work, and while that isn’t always possible, embrace it whenever you can to help them engage.
  • It’s important to remember that these people do care about others, just in their own way and on their own terms. 
  • They can be fiercely loyal and protective of their team, or anyone they determine to be in ‘their circle’. 
  • This is great for those team members but can mean that they come across as cold or insensitive to the plights of others outside of that circle. 
  • Make sure to have these  team members collaborate across departments when possible, and encourage them to find a mentor or to mentor others to broaden their perspective.
  • These people who are driven to assist others for a specific purpose, not just for the sake of being helpful or supportive.
  • You know the saying, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”? That’s what this person is all about. 
  • They see the world and the people in it as part of a toolset to accomplish their own goals, and as a result, they are selective about who, when, why, and how much they are willing to give to others.
  • This doesn’t mean that they don’t care about others! It simply means that they are careful with their energy and resources and want to see a return on their investments.
  • One of the most important things for people who score this way, is accountability across the board in an organization. 
  • They want a good reason to put one hundred percent and won’t respond well if others aren’t doing the same. 
  • Make sure that everyone within your organization is measured by equal metrics, and work to ensure that your executive team is transparent about goals, standards, and their own performance as well as performance within the organization. These team members will notice.
Anne Frank

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