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TriMetrix Training Class Materials
Priceless  Resources for HUB International

These resources are for you, the HUB International Leader. Use these tools and resources to confidently debrief and use the TriMetrix assessment in all of your hiring, development, and retention programs.

Jump To:  Two Essential Hiring with TriMetrix Resources

Jump To:  The TriMetrix 'Job Fit Fix' Car Analogy

Jump To:  Four Step Hiring Process

Jump To: Class Videos and Group Work Created During Class

Jump To:  Recommended TriMetrix-Training-Related Links, Books and Podcasts

Jump To:  Employee Lifecyle: TriMetrix Development Resources (Essential Tools for Development and Debriefing)

Jump To: FREE  Hiring with TriMetrix Basic Training Videos and More (takes you to a new page) Basic Training for Any HUB Leader New to TriMetrix 

Two  Essential Hiring with TriMetrix Training Class Downloads

The TriMetrix 'Focus on Fit Fix' Car Analogy

Focus on Fit  2024
TriModal Car Analogy 2024

Hiring With TriMetrix in Four Steps

2024 TriMetrix Hiring Four Steps image

TriMetrix Hiring Process: Send Candidate Assessment Email

TriMetrix Hiring Process: Create a Position Benchmark

TriMetrix Hiring Process: Compare Candidate to Benchmark

TriMetrix Hiring Process: Interview and Next Steps


  1. Interview and Evaluation and Selection Roll-Up
  2. Assign Interview Team Focus Areas 
  3.  Interview Questions Planning Document
  4. Interviewer Notes on Each Candidate Worksheet 
  5. Checklist  Get the Interview Team R.E.A.DY. 

Recommended Development Links, Books and Podcasts

Essential Debrief Resources: Memory Jogger Cards and Core Skill Definitions

 Team Building Development Resources

Motivators and DISC Team Building Workshop:

  • PPT: Master Team Meeting and Team Building Program with facilitation notes  (You will need to edit the PPT for time. Call me if you want to talk through the best way to customize this for your workshop.)   I start with, and place a strong focus on, Motivators – as this reveals their WHY, What puts "gas in their tank." Motivators while not easily visible, drive behavior.  

    Here are eight additional DISC workshop exercises.
  • Talent Tracker - Take Home Team Summary: Download and fill out the Talent Tracker

"Gas In Tank" About Motivators (P.I.A.V.) - One Page Job Rewards Summary Image and
Coaching Workbook for Each Top Interest


One Page - Job Rewards


Results & Business

One Page - Job Rewards


Power Player

One Page - Job Rewards


Balance and Harmony

One Page - Job Rewards


Service Focused 

One Page - Job Rewards


Process and Order

One Page - Job Rewards


 Motivators: Gifts Each Top Interest Would Enjoy

gift guide motivators 2023 image 1

Theoretical and Economic
Download Image 

gift guide motivators 2023 image 2

Individualistic and Altruistic
Download Image 

gift guide motivators 2023 image 3

Traditional and Aesthetic
Download Image 

"HOW WE DRIVE" DISC Communication Style Resources:

Class Videos and Exercises

CURRENT - June  2024 Canada West Training Group

ARCHIVE - April/May 2024 Midwest East Training Group

ARCHIVE - March/April 2024 Canada West CSO Training Group

ARCHIVE - June 2023 TOS Training Group

ARCHIVE - April 2023 TOS Training Group

Contact us to schedule a Complimentary Consulting Call

or to ask questions about any of our Hiring,
Coaching, Training and Assessment services.

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