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Persona: The Dark Truth Behind Personality Tests

Our Response: How Our Assessments and Approach Are Different

On March 4, 2021, HBO Max released the documentary Persona: The Dark Truth Behind Personality Tests.  A telling piece on the misuse of and lack of validated personality tests used in the hiring and selection process, highlighting problems with Myers Briggs (MBTI).

This is why we train others to understand the proper use of ASSESSMENTS, not Personality TESTS. In our work of uncovering the talents of people and valuing their strengths, not weaknesses of people, we ONLY use validated and reliable assessments. 

Please remember these elements of adequately understanding the use of assessments:

  • We have never used MBTI as we have already studied its supposed theory and found it inaccurate and inconsistent.  We provide this document created by one of our colleagues to explain our understanding of the problems with MBTI. 
  • There are no right or wrong answers in our assessments – they are not tests, nor are people red-flagged as being a problem or not acceptable! 
  • None of the assessments we endorse measure IQ or mental capacity.
  • DISC, Motivators, and Acumen are NOT personality tests - even though some people or organizations have referred to them.  They are part of a person’s personality, but they are not based on the theory used in the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) or the Big 5.
  • All people have strengths and need to have the self-awareness to maximize their strengths. That is the goal of proper assessment use. 
  • Validity matters.  There is no adverse impact on any protected groups using our assessments.
  • You must know the history and validation studies of your assessments.  We have only trained and consulted using specific companies that have an intense rigor on research and can provide validity studies to demonstrate this.   
  • All three of our assessments measure normal behavior, not abnormal behavior. And it is neutral, not showing bias to any results.
  • No one assessment should determine a hiring decision.  A combination of assessments such as DISC, Motivators, Acumen, Sales Acumen, interviews, references, and skills capability tests should be considered, with only 1/3 of the hiring decision being the assessment results.  
  • We believe people can evolve over time and that you are not born one way.  Self-awareness assessments empower people to become who they want to be. 
  • Please contact us if you need assistance understanding the proper use of assessments in developing people.  We are proud of the last two decades of helping people uncover their talents so that they can have rewarding relationships with others and maximize their enjoyment in their lives and work.  

Suzie Price, CPDA, CPMA, TMEA, CPF
Priceless Professional Development, LLC

For more information:

Listen to our podcast episode Weaponizing DISC

Read about the 10 Most Common DISC Mistakes

Contact us to schedule a Complimentary Consulting Call

or to ask questions about any of our Hiring,
Coaching, Training and Assessment services.

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