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Your Email Tips Schedule: What You Get & When...

I can't wait for you to start using these interviewing and hiring strategies, best practices and tips!  Your first Tip will arrive in your in-box on the first Monday after the day you sign up, and will continue to arrive, Monday through Friday, for 14  weeks.

Look for your first Tip the first Monday after you are reading this.  They'll continue every week for 14 weeks.  Remember to take Action, as called for in each Tip, and in 70 days you'll be twice improved!  How cool is that?

The 1% A Day Exponential Growth Principle:

Taking small Action every day leads to exponential (not linear) growth.

You can strengthen ANY Area of your life, by leaps and bounds, by focusing on that Area for less than 15 minutes a day (1%). And, in 70 days, you'll be twice as good. (You know, the concept of compound interest...right?)

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Additional Hiring Resources to Help You:
- Five Hiring-Related Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcasts
- Three TriMetrix Assessment-Related Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcasts
- Monthly Leadership Articles:  Wake Up Eager Workforce Newsletter Archives
- Hiring Manager Workshop: Dodge the Duds, Pick the Winners - The Secret to Superior Performance
- Assessment: How Our Patented Hiring Superior Performers Assessment Process Works

Contact us to schedule a Complimentary Consulting Call

or to ask questions about any of our Hiring,
Coaching, Training and Assessment services.

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