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Communication Transformation…Five Simple Steps To Better Relationships A Leadership and Motivation Training Workshop 

leadership and motivation training workshop using the DISC Assessment

Client Comments:

"Another exceptional program! You are terrific! The class absolutely adored your manner and class.
Looking forward to our continued partnership in our Senior Leadership course and the other
venues you have supported within FlightSafety."

Greg Wedding, Vice President-Personnel Development, FlightSafety

"I want you to know how much I appreciate your enthusiasm, your ability to change the
program and flex to our changing needs. You are a joy to work with."

L.Tilley, Performance and Learning Team Leader, Fortune 50 Company

"Suzie, thanks so much for being such a big part of out leadership course last week!  I really
enjoyed your lessons, particularly the sections about DISC Style.  There were some eye opening
moments there!   I also really enjoyed our discussions about hiring and motivators.  
The course was awesome and I am a better person because of it!  Thanks so much!" 

M.King, Sales Professional,  Power Company

"Thank you very much for presenting to us at our leadership course.  You are amazing! 
Your enthusiasm is infectious!  Thank you for making the class fun.  I truly learned a lot about myself."

A.K. Professional Trainer

Use this leadership and motivation training workshop to:
Reduce Conflict. Increase Commitment and Communication

As you learn how to apply a simple and very effective Five Step Communication Process to the results of validated and customized individual and team DISC Communication Style assessments, you will

  • Know exactly what your strengths are and those of the people you’re dealing with
  • Learn how to build trust using the five step strength-based communication model
  • Gain specific insights around blind spots and how to manage them.
  • Improve communication with bosses, peers, direct reports and customers

What Outcomes Can You Expect?

You will use the Five Communication Steps to plan and practice improving communication in a  real-life communication problem (or challenging) situation. After the program, you will be able to

  • show bosses, direct reports, peers and customers that you understand them by targeting and meeting their communication needs and wants
  • capture attention and build trust with others - making it easier to gain commitment on sales decisions or on  work projects and commitments
  • motivate and manage others
  • build stronger, more supportive relationships on teams
  • increase productivity - increase employee trust and commitment, decrease turnover
  • increase sales - increase customer trust and commitment, decrease customer apathy

Blended Learning and Tools to Support Ongoing Development

Our standard program includes

  • Individual customized communication style validated assessment for each participant
  • Communication Transformation Workbook
  • Job Aids: Communication and Strengths Tracker and Laminated Communication Tips Reminder Card
  • Just in time coaching by email - optional
  • *** Side-Note:  Also consider using an even more robust assessment, the: DISC and Workplace Motivators Assessment for even richer team and individual insight and understanding. Contact Suzie to discuss your goals to see if this would be a good option.****

Presentations:  When you only have time for a short session or a keynote
(20 - 60 minutes) review these presentation options.

Intended Audience:

This program works for almost any type of professional.   If you have a team of people and you want them to work better together and better understand themselves and others, this leadership and motivation training workshop works!

  • teams
  • supervisors, leaders, executives
  • trainers
  • board members
  • consultants
  • facilitators

Contact us to schedule a Complimentary Consulting Call

or to ask questions about any of our Hiring,
Coaching, Training and Assessment services.

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