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by Jim Allen
(Chicago Area)
My report results revealed that I'm passionate about building strong systems and working with organizations that share my values. (High Traditional). I am motivated by family, tradition, order, structure. My second highest soul spirit area was high Theoretical/Knowledge. I love to learn.
(Suzie's Notes: See quiz for self esteem descriptors here.)
I'm a small business consultant. I now have turned my focus toward family owned businesses and non-profits who are doing social good. This type of client interaction is much more motivating and rewarding to me now that I've begun to focus here more.
I am also low Individualist/Political and low Aesthetic. I now understand why I've avoided (and found painful) leadership roles as that's not my interest and nor am I am good in it.
I also understand how, with my low Aesthetic and high Traditional I can work like a dog in something I believe in...and feel very happy!
I have felt more free as I've grown to understand and apply my results to my life and to my family, clients and friends. I agree that this report has helped me release judgment of myself and of others.
I also agree with your thoughts that this is a quiz for self esteem - I have less doubt about where my strengths lie and how to use them more effectively.
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