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by Janey
(North Carolina)
I know that being more physical would help me with my stress, patience and sleep - but I am so overwhelmed...
I work full time, have two small children and a long commute. I barely get through every day intact.
Any suggestions?
Thank you for sharing your frustration.
You have a busy schedule and a lot of responsibility!
I admire that you even have working out on your mind!
I know you are not alone - there are other professional working mom's with really full schedules. I hope they will add comments, ideas and tips to this post, too.
The first thing I want to say is: be easy with yourself. Working out is for feeling good in your body and reducing stress...not a way to add another "should" to your list, so you feel more stress!
Next, start doing little things that help you get exercise in as you are going about your normal daily work.
For example: parking your car a little further from the office or when attending meetings. Taking the stairs. Throwing the ball with the kids in the evening or taking a walk with the family.
A fitness blogger I really like: does some great posts (and short videos) of her doing lunges in the grocery store, tricep dips in a chair at the airport and playing with her daughter and husband, at the park. Check her out, for ideas and inspiration.
I have numerous tools that I use to get and stay energized @ working out, shared on my Managing My Body page. Maybe some of resources here will spurn new ideas, too.
My final reminder to you: Be easy with yourself, and start with little things. (With a little more inner ease and by squeezing a little more movement here and there, you'll find more time, ideas and inspiration.)
Thank you for participating in the Wake Up Eager Community.I'm Seeing All the Best for You, and Your Family!
All the Best, and More!
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