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Fitness Walking: Considered One of the Best Cardio Exercise Options

This fitness walking article/post is an email interview I did with the Publisher of, Melissa.

Suzie: Melissa, thank you so much for taking time to share your fitness insights and expertise. First, please tell folks about your website, why you've created it and what people can find there.

fitness walking

Melissa: I created my website to share my passion with other fitness walkers.

Walking is nearly the perfect sport - so great for you physically and emotionally, yet so easy on your joints and muscles. And, it's free!

I hope that I can inspire others to get in shape and feel great with fitness walking. To that end, my site provides all the information, research and tools a fitness walker needs.

Suzie: Just so we can know a little more about you as a person, tell us about a hobby or interest (other than your website and fitness walking) that you have...

Melissa: I love spending time with my two sons, dogs and husband. We like playing at the park together.

"...Moving our bodies is the key to feeling good, strong and confident...
...exercise gives us more energy so we can accomplish more every day.
If we feel strong and confident and wake up eager every day,
we feel better not only physically, but mentally and emotionally,
allowing us to accomplish more and feel better about ourselves."

Melissa, Publisher of

Suzie: As you know Managing My Body is a big part of the Wake Up Eager Re-Calibrate Daily Habit and the Re-Calibrate Daily Habit Free Quiz.

I see so many  smart and hard-working Leaders and Sales Pros putting exercise and health on the back burner. Why do you think we as a culture struggle with this? And what's the impact to waking up eager?

My Favorite
Fitness Coach...

These MP3's really help me have great cardio workouts.  My review about them. here at My Secrets to home Cardio Worksouts.

fitness walking music

Melissa: I think we are so busy in our daily routine that it's easy to put exercise on the back burner.

But truly, moving our bodies is the key to feeling good, strong and confident, yet it's hard to find the time to exercise. It's ironic, though, because exercise gives us more energy so we can accomplish more every day.

If we feel strong and confident and wake up eager every day, we feel better not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, allowing us to accomplish more and feel better about ourselves.

Suzie: Share some of your top tips for the busy executive with little time on their hands?

Melissa: You can walk in ten-minute increments if you don't have an entire half-hour to dedicate to exercise. Try a quick, ten-minute walk before work, during lunch and after dinner and you've just walked thirty minutes!  (For more walking tips go to Melissa's article: Fitness Walking Tips To Start Burning Calories and Building Muscle Now!)

"Why is Walking the best kept secret?
Because it’s an exercise that you already know
how to do, doesn’t require an expensive gym
membership and can whittle away the pounds and
inches from your body!"
Melissa, Publisher of

Suzie: What things do you personally do to stay eager, energized, focused and interested in your work and life?

Melissa: Walking! It makes me feel more relaxed and centered. It gives me time to think about my work and life. It's really a time all to myself when I can recharge and rejuvenate.

Suzie: Let's let people know how they can contact you...

Melissa: I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and opinions on walking. Email me at melissa (at) and of course come on over visit with me at my website: (Opens a new window...) Thank you!

Suzie: Thank you Melissa for the inspiration!  Now, everybody, go put those walking shoes and get walking!! (and be sure to visit Melissa's site for more great tips and motivation!)

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