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A Step-by-Step Employee Conflict Resolution Video Version of This Process for Leaders

This employee conflict resolution video article is the exact process I used many years ago with two very angry executives.  I was so relieved when this process worked, and I've used it many times since. 

Being able to communicate clearly, calmly and effectively when conflict, miscommunication and tension arises (and it will) is crucial to leadership success.  Use these videos or read the written version of this information to guide you anytime you have employees who are not getting along.

NOTE   Go to the last minute of Video #2 and all of Video #3 for the Specific Six-Step Process Steps.
(Videos #1 & #2 cover what we tend to do, why it happens and what matters most.)  

"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional.”
Max Lucade

Employee Conflict Resolution Video #1

Employee Conflict Resolution Video #2

Employee Conflict Resolution Video #3

Links Mentioned in the Employee Conflict Resolution Videos


This is the End of Avoiding Employee Conflict Resolution - You Don't "Have to Live With" Troubled Relationships

I'm happy to report that Ben and Kevin were able to present a united front to their investors. Years later they both sold the company at a handsome profit. They even became friends!

I've used this process so many times. It works! Try it and you'll grow to trust it like I do.
Just follow the steps. 

(Share your comments and questions below.  Also, contact me for a complimentary phone consultation if you want to talk through this and/or your particular situation.)

“It has been my misfortune to be engaged in more battles than any other general on the other side of the Atlantic; but there was never a time during my command  when I would not have chosen some settlement by reason rather than the sword.”
Ulysses S. Grant

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