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Three Biggest Interview Mistakes Leaders Make

I share the three biggest interview mistakes leaders make when hiring, and provide suggestions for improvement in this 4 minute video. They are easy to identify and pretty easy to correct.

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The three biggest mistakes leaders make are easily remembered with the acronym of: A.A.A.

The idea being that if you do these when you're interviewing you're probably gonna end up on the side of the road!

  • #1 - Assumptions and Bias
  • #2 - Amplified Focus on Background and Experience
  • #3 - All Talk, No Listen

Solutions to Avoid the Biggest Mistakes...

So you don't end up on the side of the road - when interviewing and hiring - here's solutions and resources for the three biggest interview mistakes:

  1. Increase your awareness around the problem of bias in interviews and pay attention to your own biases when meeting candidates. Using competency-based, behavioral interviewing questions - will help you focus on what the job needs, and help you avoid Mistake #1: Assumptions and Bias.
  2. When you focus all of your attention on a candidate’s background, style in the interview and their resume you miss an opportunity to figure out how well this person follows directions or whether s/he can work well with others.  

    Instead focus on intangibles, as much as experience, (maybe even more than...) when interviewing to avoid Mistake #2: Amplified Focus on Background and Experience. (I show you how to focus on intangibles that are important to the job, like: Self-Management, Personal Accountability, Job Ethic & Teamwork in my book, workshops and eclass.)  
  3. Recall a recent interview you had with a candidate. Think back about how much you talked, as compared to the percentage of time the candidate talked.  Did the candidate get 75 to 80% of the 'interview air time?'  If not, it is time to change the equation.

    Make sure the Candidate talks 75% of the time - at least in the first few interviews. You should be talking 20%, if you want to avoid Mistake #3: All Talk, No Listen.

See how you do on our free online quiz - The Top Thirteen Mistakes Interviewers make, here

 Hiring Manger and Employer Interviewer Resources:

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