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Wake Up Eager Podcast   |   Wake Up Eager Leader Tips

MORE Work Motivation, Energy & Drive:
Two Mindset Shifts & Seven Resources

Part 1 of 2

work motivation

Low energy, drive and work motivation makes it impossible to answer this statement as very true for you, "My job rewards my most important values and allows me to fulfill my goals  in terms. of personal growth, achievement, income and stability."

How true is that statement for you?

Waking Up Eager is way easier when you have fulfilling work.  Some of us just land in the the 'right' work. My husband falls in that category. He's always known what his work would be, he does it now and is one of the happiest and most successful people I know.

Some of us - like me - for many different reasons have a 'journey'  and some things to do to create and find work is a good fit for our own preferences and talents. 

If your job is not fulfilling your goals, are you willing to do the work? Because there is some work involved.

More Work Motivation:  Get This & You're Halfway There...

Finding more work motivation and inspiration is possible but only if you cover these two areas first:

  • First, you must re-work your mindset around work. 

    If you believe that ALL work is drudgery, hard and difficult --- it is going to be IMPOSSIBLE for you to find satisfying, fulfilling, 'good-on-me' work.   If you believe (many people do, so be honest with yourself) that ALL work sucks and that everyone hates their work, finding the work that brings out within you more motivation and inspiration will be impossible, you'll never find it.
  • Secondly, you must become very knowledgeable about the subject of YOU.

    You must be able to name, claim and own your strengths, your values, your interests, your talents and your blind spots.  

"He who knows others is learned. He who knows himself is wise."  Lao Tze

Seven Resources to Take You All the Way...

This article, and in fact this entire website, is designed to help you re-work your belief around your work life and to deepen your appreciation of the special-ness you bring to this world.

Use the next eleven resources to re-calibrate your expectations about your work, to re-energize your appreciation of yourself and to get more work motivation.

Shift your mindset to: "Yes, Waking Up Eager more often IS possible for me... Yes, I have strengths and talents that are uniquely mine,  as I discover them I realize how special I really am. As I recall my own special-ness and value, it will be easier to help others do the same - my happiness at work and with myself is a gift I bring to the world."

A great place to start?  The Perfect Work Mantra...


I found this statement about perfect and energizing work, over 10 years ago. For a long time, I read it every day.  I used it to help me re-work my beliefs about work. It became a mantra for me.  Reading it back then helped me imagine what perfect work would feel like.  And what I would feel look in it. 

Even today, when I've found my own perfect work, I enjoy reading it out loud.  It's such a great, life-giving way to live our lives!

When you have embraced your strengths and you are using them every day - you have more fulfilling work and more work motivation, THIS Perfect Work Statement/Mantra is what it looks like and feels like:

Perfect Work Mantra and A Wake Up Eager Career Life

  • I feel like a duck in a pond.
  • My work is a natural expression of my talents and personality.
  • My job fits me so well, often work is play.
  • I am proud of what I do and enjoy telling other people about it.
  • I am highly respected at work because I am so good at what I do.
  • I do not have to pretend to be someone else at work.
  • My own best and natural forms of creative expression are what I am paid to do.
  • The environment I work in brings out my best efforts.
  • I enthusiastically look forward to going to work most of the time.
  • My job rewards my most important values and allows me to fulfill my goals in terms of personal growth, achievement, income and stability.
  • The results of my efforts makes a contribution that personally matters to me.
  • I do not spend my days working for something that I do not really care about.
  • I like the people I work with.
  • I am on a winning team that is having a great time getting the job done.
  • A day on the job leave me feeling energized, not burned out.
PERFECT WORK MANTRA FROM: The Pathfinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career for a Lifetime of Satisfaction and Success (Touchstone Books)

Go to Work Motivation part 2 now.   Get the next six resources and the Perfect Work Worksheet, a powerful coaching and visioning process.

Go to Work Motivation - Part 2 - Now

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