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This Self Motivation Skills Tip is Almost Too Easy - The 'Magic' of The Compound Effect

Strong self motivation skills create success in EVERY area of your life, and building self motivations skills is easier than you might think. That's because of a simple, often overlooked, and very powerful idea: The Exponential Growth Principle.

self motivation skills & the compound effect

I'll explain this important principle by first asking you to pick between Option #1 and Option:

  • Option #1 - $3 million in cash this very instant
  • Option #2 - A single penny that doubles in value every day for 31 days

Well, what did you pick? If you chose Option #2, the penny, you're going to be very pleased with yourself. That's because on Day 31 you'll have $10,737,418.24!  That‟s over three times more than Option #1, the $3 million in cash!! The “magic” of compounding is impressive, isn't it? But have you thought about how this same compounding “magic" can be easily applied to ANY and ALL areas of your life?

"The Compound Effect is the principle of reaping huge
rewards from  a series of small, smart choices." 
Darren Hardy**

**See how the compounding penny amount was reached, and read many more examples, in the book:  The Compound Effect

How Jerry Seinfeld Uses The Compound Effect...

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld used compound “magic” to build strong self motivation skills and focus  to improve his comedy skills and become famous. When he was a young comic he knew he needed to create better jokes. And the best way to create better jokes is to write every day.

Seinfeld used a calendar system to get and stay focused on writing every day, even when he didn't feel like it. He'd tape a wall-sized full year calendar and hang it in a prominent place. And then, with a big red magic marker, he'd put a big red X for each day he wrote.

Seinfeld explained the power of his calendar system, “After a few days you'll have a red chain as you move from day to day. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer. You'll start to like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Then your only job is to not break the chain. Don’t break the Chain!”

**This story about how Seinfeld built his self motivation skills is from The Life Hacker.

"Life rewards effort, exponentially. No matter how small the effort,
nor how daunting the odds. That's a lot!" The Universe

I Tried It. It Works!

Knowing that daily small action steps add up, and that visual reminders really help, I used the same compound “magic” to build self motivation skills and focus around developing the habit of daily meditation, a spiritual practice I was very familiar with, but something I never seemed to get around to actually doing!

self motivation skills

I vowed to myself that I would spend 15 minutes every day, for one year, meditating. I created my own 'calendar system' with index cards that I placed on my bedside table. Every morning and every night I couldn't help but see those index cards.  Everyday that I meditated, I would place an X over on that date, on the card. When I'd get distracted, and not meditate, the missing X's on those index cards would pull me back to my commitment and goal of meditating daily.

Today, daily meditation* is like brushing my teeth and hair; I will hardly ever leave the house without doing it. Bottom Line: If you want to improve any habit, all you need to do is a ' little something' every day, and track it. It's simple, doable, and makes sense, doesn't it?  

Our Daily Tips Program: It's Magic! 1% a Day = 70 Days, Twice Improved

self motivation skills magic

Compound “magic” and The 1% a Day Exponential Growth Principle is the idea behind my Wake Up Eager Daily Tips Program.  Take 15 minutes a day, which is less than 1% of your day, to make small improvements and, due to compound “magic,” in 70 days you're twice improved! 

In my Wake Up Eager Daily Tips Book Program you receive daily tips that prompt you to 1% action, five days a week, for each of the Five Wake Up Eager Habits. The goal is to help easily build more self motivation skills and success around each of the  Habits.  Learn more about our Wake Up Eager Daily Tips books, here. 

If you want to build your self motivation skills around ANY area, use the magic of The Exponential Growth Principle, and you'll be twice improved in 70 days.  How cool is that?

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