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The Fastest Way to S.O.L.V.E. Communication Problems in the Workplace...

In this video I'll share four typical reactions to a team challenge. Watch the video now to determine which reaction is most like someone who frustrates you at work.  Use this information and the five step S.O.L.V.E. process to solve communication problems in the workplace.  

Video Recap: Five Steps to S.O.L.V.E. Communication Problems:

Each step in the five-step S.O.L.V.E. Communication Problems process is important, if you truly want to 'make things better' in the relationships at work that are frustrating you.   If you skip a step that seems 'easy' - you will have less success. 

Step 1: See and Step 5: Evolve are the two most subtle Steps that, if skipped, will stall your progress. 

For example: in Step 1 you have to decide to try to look at the person differently. This requires a mental and emotional decision to let go of your 'story'  about the other person, even if it's 'the truth' . It requires that you start a new pattern by trying  view this person without judgement.  A subtle shift that requires commitment and nets big gains in improved communication.

  • Step 1: S. See With New Eyes
  • Step 2: O. Observe Behavior, Determine Probable Style/Response
  • Step 3: L. Learn Style Strengths & Communication Tips
  • Step 4: V. Vow to USE Communication Tips!
  • Step 5: E. Evolve View from Difficult" to "Different"

"It's been said that people are NOT difficult , they are  just different.
Try to understand (and maybe even come to appreciate) the differences by
using these five S.O.L.V.E. steps..." 

Suzie Price

Use this Memory Jogger Card for S.O.L.V.E. Step #3: Learn Style Strengths and Communication Tips and Step #4: Vow to USE the Communication Tips!  Practice them and watch how your communication problems lessen and your relationships improve.  Very cool! DISC Memory Jogger Card - Observable Behaviors and Adapting Tips

 Four DISC Styles -
What You'll See...

 Communication Tips
for Each Style...

Want to lean more about DISC Styles?  Consider our DISC Certification program or set contact us for coaching and teambuilding, where DISC is one tool in the process.   Just remember, people aren't always difficult - they are just different.

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