My Review of Another (and New) Cathe Spin Bike Workout: Ride
by Suzie Price
(Marietta, GA)
In my original Blog Post about the Best Spin Bike Workouts, I shared my 'adventures' in trying to find great spin workouts.
My #1 Best Go To, based upon what I've reviewed so far, are all of the Cardio Coach Workouts Audio MP3 Workouts. They are STILL offering the best coaching, IMO, for the strongest and most inspired workout!
My #2 Go To has been's CycleMax Video which was released in 2011/2012.
Cathe has now come out with another Spin Bike Workout: Ride It is as good as, if not better than, Cyclemax. (Cardio Coach still remains my #1 Go To)

I like Cathie's newest Spin Video because:
- The Music. It rocks. Upbeat, new and perfect for a solid ride.
- Cathe's cue-ing - as in everything she does - is spot-on. Clear, concise, professional, encouraging and helpful.
- GREAT routine - includes various hills, jumps and LOTS of variety. I completed 20 miles and was dripping with sweat before I ever had the chance to get bored!
- Good variety in program - music-wise, activity-wise & intensity. Great warm up and cool down w/ perfect flow and timing - not too long or too short.
- While I LOVE Cardio Coach (you listen to these via audio MP3) it's great fun to "be with Cathe & crew" in a class, while in your own home/gym! Feels alot like being in class... and that's cool.
- My only criticism is that, in this one, Cathe ( her and think she is completely amazing...) talks alot more than I like, but only in the beginning. I just like less talking and more music. (This is one of the things Cardio Coach has mastered.)

Overall, I highly recommend Cathe's newest Spin Bike Video:
Ride. It's solid, professional, energizing and something every home exercisers who likes to ride will want to own!
Ride is a part of a new Collection by Cathe: Xtrain. Every workout in it is GREAT! If you are looking for other low impact workouts - the XTrain Series may interest you. Check it out.
And, don't forget to share your Comments and Reviews Here, too.
All the Best,
Suzie Price
Professional Facilitator & Publisher of Wake Up Eager