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How to Boost Self Confidence Tip: Focus on WHAT MATTERS

by Kristen
(Rockford, Illinois, USA)

It's easy to focus in on everything that's "wrong" in your life when you suffer a setback.

I remember when my parents first told me that every mistake is an opportunity to learn a valuable lesson. Time and time again, they were right!

Think of all of the good things that can come out of a mistake or "bad thing" in your life.

Did you change your attitude because of the situation?
Did you make an effort to right the situation? Did that effort work?
Was the setback because of a situation entirely out of your control?
Could that situation be avoided in the future?

Instead of dwelling on one negative issue, focus on all of the great things that you have going for you.

If you make a list of everything that is going well or great things that you own or have done recently, you'll see that things DO and CAN go right!

What matters in life...a problem that is over and done with...or everything that's going well?

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