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Jennifer Cottrell, Leadership & Development Consultant at Summa Health, Joins Ranks of Certified DISC Experts

Akron, OH – June 27, 2022

Priceless Professional Development is pleased to announce that Jennifer Cottrell, Leadership & Development Consultant at Summa Health, has successfully completed certification training and is a Certified Professional DISC Analyst (CPDA). This classification certifies that Mrs. Cottrell is an expert in applying DISC methodology to enhance education and professional development, including superior analysis and utilization of the DISC assessment to create impactful results for both leaders and their teams. 

“Having achieved the CPDA certification, Jennifer is expertly prepared to utilize the leading scientifically-based behavioral assessment and proven DISC methods to coach and accelerate professional development,” said Suzie Price, founder of Priceless Professional Development.       

Mrs. Cottrell explained, “Being a Certified Professional DISC Analyst will help me to skillfully train our leaders in the Emerging Leader Program and in New Leader Orientation. I feel confident in debriefing clients and facilitating classes that use DISC as a foundation for team building, communication and other leadership development programs at Summa Health.”

DISC is a popular communication style model and leadership assessment tool that helps people better understand human behavior and improve effective communication with others. The DISC assessment accurately measures four communication styles/dimensions of behavior, which are each associated with a behavioral style. The DISC assessment does NOT measure education, experience, values or intelligence, it only measures observable human behavior.

About Summa Health Summa Health is an integrated nonprofit healthcare delivery system that provides coordinated, value-based care across the continuum for the people and the populations they serve. Learn more at

About Priceless Professional Development Priceless Professional Development is an award-winning facilitation and consulting company helping leaders to use assessment science to reduce drama and to build an energetic, committed wake up eager workforce. Priceless Professional Development offers certifications in DISC, Workplace Motivators and TriMetrixHD. Learn more at

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