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Priceless Professional Policies and Site Information

Here you'll find Site and Policy Information for the Priceless Professional Development website and blog.

Thank you for visiting and being involved with all of this. Your interest and attention is appreciated!

  • Priceless Privacy Policy
  • Like the Site? Link to Us! All the Details Here...
  • Priceless Affiliate Disclosure Policy
  • Sitemap (Suzie Note: Just so you know... my Sitemap needs to be updated with the new Spring 2012 Site Changes...It will be updated sometime in this Summer. So much to do...)
  • Copyright and Use of Information and Articles Found Here: Feel free to re-use and share these posts & articles, just make sure you include a reference to its creator, Suzie Price (me!)of Priceless Professional Development and this website link:

    (Thanks - I'll do the same for you if I ever use any of your material!)

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